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 President’s Brief
Take a Case, Take a Matter
THE REPORT | March/April 2022 |
As part of the CBA’s year-long 150th anniversary celebra- tion, we have initiated a community service campaign. In collaboration with local volunteer legal service organiza- tions, including but not limited to Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati and Volunteer Lawyers for the Poor (VLP), we are encouraging our members to “take a case” or “take a matter.”
To help familiarize members with the variety of options, ease, and gratification of service, I asked the CBA Board of Trustees to share their perspectives regarding their diverse pro bono experi- ences. Here is what they had to say:
JUDGE PIERRE BERGERON: “My pro bono experiences were among the most rewarding of my practicing career. They truly shaped my journey as a lawyer and opened my eyes to the challenges that many people face in our legal system.”
KRISTIN BOOTH: “I work with ProSe- niors and they are an amazing asset to the seniors in our community. ...People will often receive incorrect information from well-meaning family members and friends, nursing homes and the internet, so to have an organization like ProSeniors to contact
and then be able to speak with someone who practices law in this area, without initially having to pay a fee, is a tremendous help to so many families.”
By Sara Cooperrider
STEVE RICHEY: “I have the privilege, through Legal Aid, of representing clients being evicted during the pandemic. It is extremely gratifying to negotiate ways
for the clients to avoid eviction, by taking advantage of federal pandemic funding, allowing the clients to get caught up and the landlords paid. The attorneys at Legal Aid are patient mentors.”
BRIDGET MCGRAW: “I regularly take matters through Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio (PBPO) and always have a fantastic experience volunteering! PBPO is so well suited to connect in-house as well as trans- actional/corporate lawyers with matters matching their expertise. In addition, PBPO
makes it easy by providing templates and support. I have loved learning about the many non-profits in Greater Cincinnati making a difference in our community and being able to support their missions by providing critical legal assistance.”
Personally, my recent pro bono experiences have been through Legal Aid/VLP, PBPO, and with refugees. Perhaps most indica- tive to me of the need for pro bono work in our justice system was an experience I had before attending law school, when I worked with a team of pro bono lawyers on a case for a man on death row. With the support of the trial prosecutor and DNA evidence,

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