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          Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert (CDRE)
Gregory Traynor, Principal Broker For contact information, visit
or call at (513)468-1911
. . . . . In a divorce, the home is the most expensive --and often the most emotional-- piece of the puzzle, yet the average Realtor has no specific training in divorce. The most complicated aspect of the case has no expert to address it.
. . . . . In 2006, I set out to change this. I dedicated my real estate expertise and specialty to matters that serve the family law professions. My team and I were able to turn our great passion as Realtors into laser-focused experts, agents who could get houses sold even in medium to high-conflict domestic relations and divorce cases.
. . . . . Together with my mentors and advisors, consisting of judges, magistrates, mediators, real estate experts, and high-level family law attorneys, my team and
I designed the most comprehensive divorce real estate practice in the real industry. . . . . . What does that mean for you? It means that if you work with a Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert (CDRE), you are working with the top 1% of divorce real estate agents. You have an expert who has a community supporting them, and who is not going to be intimidated by conflict or challenges. This means that we are putting our reputation behind that CDRE and holding ourselves accountable for our performance. This w ay, attorneys and litigants can rely on us when they need a real estate expert in their case.
. . . . . If you have any questions about how we will impact and facilitate your case, please reach out to me. My team and I stand behind our expertise as we positively impact divorcing couples and the family law community as a whole.
THE REPORT | January/February 2023 |
This section features current news and events of interest to the local legal community. News items may be submitted to
CBA Accepting R OU Board Nominations
The Cincinnati Bar Association’s Nominating Committee is soliciting
recommendations for nominees for election to certain officer and trustee positions to
commence at the CBA’s 2023 Annual Meeting. The committee requests nominations
for the following positions:
VICE PRESIDENT: Automatically succeeds to president-elect and then to president. Must have been a trustee, secretary or treasurer within the five-year period immediately prior to the election.
SECRETARY: One-year term, limit of one term. Incumbent is ineligible for re-election.
One-year term, limit of three consecutive terms. Incumbent is eligible for re-election.
TRUSTEE: General. Two-year term, limit of two consecutive terms. Five positions open with four incumbents eligible for re-election.
Under 12 Years of Practice. Two-year term, limit of two consecutive terms. Incumbent is ineligible for re-election.
TRUSTEE: Corporate Trustee. Two-year term, limit of two consecutive terms. Incumbent is ineligible for re-election.
TRUSTEE: ABA Delegate. Two-year term, limit of three consecutive terms. Incumbent is eligible for re-election.
Please complete the nomination form found in the “Nominating Committee” section at
Send questions and/or nominations to All nominations must be received no later than January 27, 2023.

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