Women Lawyers


The Women Lawyers Section of the Cincinnati Bar Association creates opportunities for professional and personal connections among women engaged in the legal profession; provides training and philanthropic opportunities for its members and other members of the bar; and serves as a presence and voice for women attorneys in the community.


Give your Career a Voice

Voice brings together attorneys at various stages of their career from the new attorney to the experienced veteran to discuss issues relating to developing and thriving in the practice of law.


The Voice Award is presented to a female CBA member attorney, under 40 for exemplary service. Through her distinguished service, the honoree has made significant contributions to the legal/general community and reflects the highest principles of legal profession.

Past Recipients                                                                                                                                                                   2019 - Wednesday Shipp, Esq.

2018- Carrie Dettmer Slye, Esq.

2017 - Maggie Nestheide, Esq.

2016 - Tiffany M. Evans, Esq.

2015 - Katherine A. Miltner, Esq.


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